Tuesday, January 11, 2011


What would Russ do?
I had that thought the other day, while I stared, dumbfounded, at my vehicle.
I felt like a Little Caesar's employee:

Before moving to our current locale, Russ was my go-to guy. Together(1) we cut down a tree; rebuilt a kitchen cupboard (I think that's what he said we were doing); replaced...something...on my vehicle; fixed the doohickie in my furnace; replaced a leaky faucet; and other tasks which are too complicated for any of you to understand.(2)
I didn't really think I'd gleaned much from watching Russ work, but as I stood before my vehicle, I recalled something I had noticed Russ do multiple times: pull harder.
If a nut was too tight...crank it harder. It will come loose. 
If the doohickie in the furnace refuses to budge...pull harder. It will come out.
So that 's what I did: I gauged where exactly I might be able to separate the panel from the rest of the vehicle, and pulled. And it worked. As if Russ had done it himself.
But it doesn't work on everything. Since universally applying the America of fix-it discoveries, I have torn the tabs off four diapers; broken off two keys in a door (same door); cracked a door jamb (I swear it said "PULL"); and snapped my ring finger (ring: still stuck).
Now here I sit, wondering once more: 
What Would Russ Do?

1. Together: adv. Where one or many circle-up to watch one person do something they enjoy or excel at.
2. Yeah, I don't understand the tasks, either.

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